JAMSVGImage Public
Forked from jmenter/JAMSVGImageDisplay resolution independent SVGs in iOS.
Seamly2D Public
Forked from FashionFreedom/Seamly2DOpen source patternmaking software.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 30, 2023 -
Unity_Resources Public
Forked from Endarren/Unity_ResourcesA list of resources and tutorials for those doing programming in Unity.
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2020 -
3d-wiki Public
Forked from mhulse/3d-wiki3D tips, tricks and notes (mostly Blender)
JavaScript UpdatedNov 2, 2019 -
Skinner Public
Forked from keijiro/SkinnerSpecial Effects with Skinned Mesh in Unity
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2019 -
VR-Combination-Permutation Public
A VR escape room experience that utilizes math concepts for puzzles.
C# UpdatedMay 24, 2019 -
Sphere-Raycasting Public
Forked from ALee1303/Sphere-Raycastingdetecting interactable item by Unity SphereCastAll and check obstacles between the player by RayCast
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2018 -
SuperCharacterController Public
Forked from IronWarrior/SuperCharacterControllerUnity custom character controller
C# MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2018 -
Word-Search-Puzzles Public
Forked from davesshin/Word-Search-PuzzlesAn interactive & customizable word search puzzle generator made with Unity/C#. Great for teaching kids new words and their spellings! Play the demo here (may take a while to load):
C# UpdatedAug 26, 2017 -
blenderpython Public
Forked from carter2422/blenderpythonPublic Repo/collection of Blender Addons for Public distro
Python UpdatedNov 13, 2016 -
instant-meshes Public
Forked from wjakob/instant-meshesInteractive field-aligned mesh generator
C++ Other UpdatedNov 3, 2016 -
CountDown Public
Forked from zhengwenming/CountDowniOS倒计时,验证码倒计时,cell中倒计时。比如:离活动结束还有 0天 01: 14: 59
Objective-C UpdatedOct 17, 2016 -
google-interview-university Public
Forked from jwasham/coding-interview-universityA complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer.
1 UpdatedOct 6, 2016 -
SVGKit-1 Public
Forked from SVGKit/SVGKitDisplay and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
Objective-C Other UpdatedOct 6, 2016 -
UpdatedOct 5, 2016 -
ParticlesLoadingView Public
Forked from BalestraPatrick/ParticlesLoadingViewA customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2016 -
CountdownLabel Public
Forked from suzuki-0000/CountdownLabelSimple countdown UILabel with morphing animation, and some useful function.
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2016 -
UIview controller, spritekit and game center
Objective-C UpdatedSep 27, 2016 -
SprityBird Public
Forked from KittenYang/SprityBirdA small clone of Flappy Bird for iOS using SpriteKit framework
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2016 -
SVProgressHUD Public
Forked from SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUDA clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
GKDemoCorrected Public
GameKit leaderboard tutorial corrected code updated from original turorial here: https://www.appcoda.com/ios-game-kit-framework/
Objective-C UpdatedSep 25, 2016 -
Spritekit-and-UIKit Public
Tutorial switching between UIView Controllers and Spritkit scenes
UpdatedSep 23, 2016 -
INSPhotoGallery Public
Forked from m1entus/INSPhotoGalleryINSPhotoGallery is a modern looking photo gallery written in Swift for iOS.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 20, 2016 -
RQShineLabel Public
Forked from zipme/RQShineLabelSecret app like text animation
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedSep 19, 2016