- Southeast University
[ICML 2024] The official implementation of MIREL (Weakly-Supervised Residual Evidential Learning for Multi-Instance Uncertainty Estimation).
AEM: Attention Entropy Maximization for Multiple Instance Learning based Whole Slide Image Classification
The official repository of UniHGKR: Unified Instruction-aware Heterogeneous Knowledge Retrievers
Neural network model for competing risks - Implementation of Neural Fine Gray
Inference and Sampling for Archimax Copulas
Code for training non-parametric copula networks
We organize papers related to causal that published on top conferences recently. (因果领域论文分类汇总)
A list of papers/resources in Survival Analysis that I have read or would like to read.
A systematic survey of multi-modal and multi-task visual understanding foundation models for driving scenarios
DSMIL: Dual-stream multiple instance learning networks for tumor detection in Whole Slide Image
Context-Aware Survival Prediction using Patch-based Graph Convolutional Networks - MICCAI 2021
This repo provides the pipeline of processing TCGA whole-slide images for downstream pathology analysis.
[MedIA 2024] The implementation of AdvMIL: Adversarial Multiple Instance Learning for the Survival Analysis on Whole-Slide Images
Raymvp / Pipeline-Processing-TCGA-Slides-for-MIL
Forked from liupei101/Pipeline-Processing-TCGA-Slides-for-MILThis repo provides an exhaustive pipeline of processing TCGA whole-slide images for downstream multiple instance learning.
Papers & Works for large languange models (OpenAI GPT-4, Meta Llama, etc.).
TransMIL: Transformer based Correlated Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
Open source tools for computational pathology - Nature BME
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