Android real-time display control software
易知仓库管理系统 1. 项目概述:基于C#(WPF)的仓库管理系统,管理商品的进销存 2. 架构:MVVM开发模式 3. 技术点:xaml前端UI美化、对数据库范式的深度理解、数据库函数与存储过程
.NET CMS using Blazor, built by .Net Developers for .Net Developers
Blazor InteractiveAuto Clean Architecture in .NET 8
A JavaScript free Blazor component for creating bootstrap select elements.
MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker). The implementation is based on the documentation from
🌍 Discover our global repository of countries, states, and cities! 🏙️ Get comprehensive data in JSON, SQL, PSQL, XML, YAML, and CSV formats. Access ISO2, ISO3 codes, country code, capital, native l…
基于C#/.NET8的 masuit.org个人博客站项目源码, ,供参考、学习、引用、非商业性质的部署。
A plug-in that counts the usage of .NET application resources, including: CPU usage, GC, thread status, support for obtaining status information through web requests (access paths and authenticatio…
The high-speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, WebGPU, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about.
Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with …
LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
DotnetSpider, a .NET standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
A reference .NET application implementing an eCommerce site
功能强大种类丰富的开源数字货币合约交易所。基于Spring Cloud Alibaba的比特币币交易所,比特币交易所 | BTC交易所 | ETH交易所 | 区块链 |撮合机器人| 本项目有后台管理(后端+前端)、前台(交易、活动、个人中心等)、安卓APP源码等,项目有实时在线体验链接,即刻体验!
Windows/macOS/Linux GUI client for GIT users
Near-zero config .NET library that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
Blazor Component Library based on Material Design principles with an emphasis on ease of use and extensibility
Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor components library. For use with ASP.NET Core Blazor applications
Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution