Michigan State University
- @_thilanij_
AuReMe / emapper2gbk
Forked from ArnaudBelcour/gff_to_gbkConvert GFF, fastas, annotation table and species name into Genbank.
barricklab / pLannotate
Forked from mmcguffi/pLannotateWebserver and command line tool for annotating engineered plasmids
Matlab software for the analysis of MERFISH data and the construction of MERFISH probes.
Repository for the NGS summer course at Aarhus university
Organelle Genome Assembly Toolkit (Chloroplast/Mitocondrial/ITS)
R package for analysis of isoform-diverse transcript datasets
Repository for CRISPR-PLANT version 2 pipeline
Full JavaScript-based assessment tool for targeted sequencing data of genome-edited samples.
Examining toolkit of potential off-target sites via Cas-OFFinder
A tidyverse and grammar of graphics powered line traces visualizer
Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cdhit
A simple gene co-expression analyses workflow powered by tidyverse and graph analyses
Color palette package in R inspired by works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Free responsive one page portfolio template
Circular visualization in Python (Circos Plot, Chord Diagram, Radar Chart)
MSA(Multiple Sequence Alignment) visualization python package for sequence analysis
Example notebooks of pyCircos
A tool for simulating random mutations in any genome
Kmer-db is a fast and memory-efficient tool for large-scale k-mer analyses (indexing, querying, estimating evolutionary relationships, etc.).
A browser extension to provide various AI helper functions in Jupyter Notebooks, powered by ChatGPT.
tools for adding mutations to existing .bam files, used for testing mutation callers