Releases: TimothyMeadows/GUvrs
GUvrs - Release 3.1.0
This release contains all functionality from previous versions of GUvrs, further it contains a new friends list feature!
- Added new friend icon to the left of the settings button
- Added the ability to add a friend based on there known GUid. This will allow you control the name that's displayed for that friend with a matching id!
- Added quick access add friend button next to copy button. Clicking this will auto populate the GUid you are playing to the add friend list. However you will still have to give them a name!
Note: This friends list is stored in friends.json in the app data folder. You can use file to share friend entries between each other.
GUvrs - Release 3.0.2
This release contains all functionality from previous versions of GUvrs, further it contains some bug fixes.
- Added support for GUmeta ranked mode! You can now use GUmeta, or GUdeck when using GUvrs, great job GUmeta!
- Fix for "Open Data Folder" button no actually opening the folder on mac in finder
- Created a Unity text color parser that should now parse colored names into there correct html colors.
GUvrs - Release 3.0.1
This release contains all functionality from previous versions of GUvrs, further it contains some bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug where saving settings would not actually save.
- Fix copy button not actually working when clicked
- Fix condition where sometimes clicking on a GUid would not open a GU history site with the players profile.
- Added support for additional GU history sites, for now GU meta has been added, but it can only support sealed mode, which, does not work anymore with GUvrs. This is mostly just a place holder for GU meta adding ranked support, or, another -hint- history site being created by some random bird out there.
GUvrs - Release 3.0.0
This release contains all functionality from previous versions of GUvrs, further it contains some bug fixes.
- Fix for browser opening more than once per game id.
- Fix on windows for hand cursor not showing up when it should have.
- Fix on mac for hand cursor needing system calls to show / hide.
- Fix on mac where sometimes the browser would not open. This may still occur if you do not have a default browser set, or if your default browser is unable to be opened on it's own.
This release contains a new user interface i created powered by MAUI.NET WebView, html, css, and javascript. This allows for the same user interface, and functionality across all platforms, including mobile, where, before i was depending on native MAUI.NET controls which who's functionality would change depending on which platform GUvrs was being run on at the time.
This also paves the way for social media support in GUvrs. What does this mean? Coming soon(tm) GUvrs will include a friends list, which will allow you add your friends by there GUID. These friend requests must be accepted so you won't be able to add people who don't want to interact with you. Initially, only toasts of when matches start, stop, and who you are playing will be displayed.
Finally, i am exploring the current options for allowing "posts", or "chats" to exist between friends. However, laws around live chat are... strange between country to country. So... soon(tm), the initial release of posts / chats will likely only be allowed to contain match information from GUvrs, as well as a list of approved emotes.
GUvrs - Release 2.0.3
- Bug fix for names that contain a ','. This would cause GUvrs to crash rendering users unable to look at that opponents deck.
- Contains a new feature called 'Auto-Open' which when slid to on (green) will automatically open your opponents GU decks profile in your browser.
Note: Should you run into any users with similar name issues as to what was just fixed. Please report them with a screenshot using the bug report link at the bottom of GUvrs.
GUvrs - Release 2.0.1
This is a release of Release 2 with the below bug fix.
- Includes a fix for GUvrs holding the debug.log open in specific conditions. This would prevent GUvrs from detecting the end of a game.
GUvrs - Release 2.0.2
- Contains a bug fix for randomly exiting the game (sometimes).
- Contains a bug fix for sometimes not seeing the end of game.
- Reduces the font size of game id to prevent app from resizing.
This also contains some optimization of the publishing process for windows users which should reduce the amount they have to download by roughly 40%.
This should be the last release before WIndows Store, Google Store, and Apple Store versions.
GUvrs - Beta 1 - Classic (Windows Only)
This is the first beta release for the application. Expect bugs.
GUvrs - Beta 1 (Windows / Mac)
This is the first release of GUvrs cross platform edition. This release supports both Windows, and Mac respectively. There is likely to be bugs. Please report them.