This repository consists of Load, Store and Read word data paths using a Single Cycle Core. Implementation of Risc-V single cycle architecture consisting of six base instructions (R, I, B, S, J, U).
This is an implementation of Risc-V base single cycle processor. This basic design supports six base instructions mentioned as:
All above instructions are 32 bit encoding based.
Source code of all modules are provided in Source_code folder and all those modules are finally called in Top_level.v file. In order to test each module test benches for these modules are provided in separate folder named as test_Benches. And similarly in order to check the complete processor design a test bench file named as Single_cycle.v in test_Bench folder is used.
Load I Type, Store S Type and Read R Type Instruction words are in the respective directories.
The Load, Store and Read Word Type has been implemented for specific load, store and read word datapath examples.
1. Load Word I Type
The Load word is done using I Type Instruction, where the data word from Data_Memory (RD3) to loaded to Register_file(WD3).
Instruction Machine Language
Eg 1: lw x6, -4(x9) 0xFFC4A303
Eg 2: addi x5,x0,0x2 #This is your data
addi x6,x0,0x40 # This is your base address
sw x5,0x8(x6)
lw x7,0x8(x6) 0x00832383
Simulation Waveform
2. Store Word S Type
The Store word is done using S Type Instruction, based on A(address from ALUResult) in Data_Memory, the value of RD2(Register_file) will be stored in WD(Data_Memory).
Instruction Machine Language
Eg 1: sw x6, 8(x9) 0x0064A423
Eg 2: addi x11,x0,0x28 #This is your data
addi x12,x0,0x30 # This is your base address
sw x11,0x8(x12) 0x00B62423
Simulation Waveform
3. Read Word R Type
The Read word is done using R Type Instruction, where the Result(Mux_Data_Memory) which is the ALUResult(ALU) is read from the WD3(Register_file).
Instruction Machine Language
Eg 1: or x4, x5, x6 0x0062E233
Simulation Waveform
The simulation has been in Visual Studio code with Icarus Verilog environment, which supports gtkwave for verilog simulaiton.
Note: Download Icarus Verilog from:, after downloading in CMD type iverilog, you can see iverilog with gtkwave preinstalled.
Terminal code:
Eg: PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\Github projects\RISC_V_Single_Cycle_Core\Load Word I Type> iverilog -o out.vvp .\Single_Cycle_Top_Tb.v .\Single_Cycle_Top.v, vvp out.vvp, gtkwave.