👋 My name is Haolin Zhang and I am focusing on Intelligent Vehicle and Autonomous Driving, and insterested in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- 2023/09-Now
- 🔭 Full-time Ph.D. Student at Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Xi'an Jiaotong University
- 2022/06-2023/09
- 🔭 Full-time Research Assistant at Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Xi'an Jiaotong University
- ⚡ Github Homepage: [https://github.com/XJTU-Haolin]
- 2019/08-2021/05
- 🔭 Full-time M.S. graduated from OSU-Control and Intelligent Transportation Research, The Ohio State University
- ⚡Presentation on the "Pedestrian on the Roadway" workshop Video, Mobitiy21, Project Report PDF
- ⚡Previous Github Homepage: [https://github.com/OSU-Haolin]
- 2020/10-Now
- 🔭 Tech. Partner of DeepThink, Hangzhou (AI, computer vision, blockchain in retail business and industry)
- 2021/06-2022/06
- 🔭 Algorithm Engineer at Dahua Technology - Hirige Automotive (vision-based perception system of intelligent vehicles, e.g. LeapMotor C11)
- 📚 Google Scholar
- 🏆 PASS for improving anchor-based LiDAR 3D object detection in KITTI benchmark (Under Review)
- 🏆 CoKE: Cooperative Keypoint Extraction for local feature detection and matching (IEEE ITSC2023)
- 🏆 3D Harmonic Loss for harmonized 3D object detection in KITTI benchmark (IEEE T-VT 2023)
- 🏆 Faraway-Frustum for faraway object 3D detection in KITTI benchmark (IEEE ITSC 2021)
- 🏆 MASK-PCPA for pedestrian crossing intention prediction in JAAD/PIE benchamark (IEEE T-IV 2022, honered Best Research Paper of T-IV from 2020 to 2023)
- 📫 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Wechat: qianmaifubi
Last Edited on: 06/12/2023