This project is Hacking Parrot Ar Drone 2.0 using customized Pixhawk Drone
It is based on node-ar-drone API , modifed and added some specific code
- Starting Sky Hi Jacker
node Hacking_Drone.js
- Use to Hacking Function
hack( Destination lat, Destination lon )
SKY_HIJACKER > hack(32.43114,126.324151)
- Then, Target Parrot Ar Drone is moving to destination point during adjusting the azimuth
Using pixhawk telemetry, It extracts GPS data as JSON file from pixhawk
It is based on c-uart-interface API, modified and added some specific code
- first, complie ..
- find telemetry device number in /dev folder.
For example
/dev/ttyACM0 ..
/dev/cu.usbserial-DN012VZR .. etc
- run as this format
./SKY_HI_JACKER_GET_GPS_DATA -d /dev/**Your dev number**
- then this program create "pixhawk_gps.json" file every second.
JSON file format is as in the following.
{ "lat" : "37.395696", "lon" : "126.654533" }