Raylib C++ Starter Template for VSCODE
Papae - AudioManager is a free unity library for audio
A component to procedurally generate pipe-like meshes in Unity
An implementation of Disney's principled BRDF
Python scripts I made which you can run on your project to help identify assets that could be worth looking at optimising (these scripts only log and do not edit your files). For a video on how to …
Collection of python scripts for batch processing in Unreal Engine
Unreal engine plugin containing collection of reusable functions and tools used in game development for unreal engine.
It's a tool pack for unreal engine 4 by Python
Visual Studio Code extension with features to assist when writing python code for Unreal Engine
Unreal Python Scripting Template
The universal scripting wrapper for Maya, Houdini and Unreal Engine.
Integrate Python Qt Framework into UE4
Some of my personal scripts i made to use for my own projects, but free of charge to be used for any project and any purpose as long as it is not violating the LICENSE file or the Unreal Engine EULA.
A PyCharm Plugin that simplify the development of Blender Add-On inside the PyCharm IDE.