- Norwich, UK
- http://andysouth.co.uk/
omopcept : an R package to access OMOP conCEPTs (no cons!) and flexible tidyverse compatible R functions for querying and visualising.
A documentation-centric ETL tool, implementing transformations of a number of common clincial datasets into the OMOP CDM.
Analysing the bias in BBC reporting on Palestine.
R package to inspect the drug exposure table in the OMOP CDM
Identifying relevant concepts from the OMOP CDM vocabularies
A list of all the schools along with their towns and counties affected by RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) in the UK.
Streamlined Data Mapping to OMOP
Apply GOV.UK styled components and formats in R Shiny
R package with functions to get information on left join between 2 data frames
In-progress book introducing map making in R using African data.
An R package to analyse and visualise admixture proportions from STRUCTURE, fastSTRUCTURE, TESS, ADMIXTURE etc.
Incorporating polygenic resistance into Insecticide Resistance Management
Africa open COVID-19 data working group
HXLDash. Create data visualisations quickly by leveraging the humanitarian exchange language
A very simple package with just one function for creating maps suitable for gifting:)
Photos that depict R data structures and operations via Lego
📊ggplot2 Extension to Visualize Two Variables Per Color Aesthetic through Color Space Projection
Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files