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Proximal algorithms for nonsmooth optimization in Julia
Machine Learning algorithm implementations from scratch.
Newton-type accelerated proximal gradient method in Julia
Hardware accelerated, batchable and differentiable optimizers in JAX.
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
Implementation of Classifier Free Guidance in Pytorch, with emphasis on text conditioning, and flexibility to include multiple text embedding models
Conditional diffusion model to generate MNIST. Minimal script. Based on 'Classifier-Free Diffusion Guidance'.
For the paper "Prediction-Based Reachability for Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Driving"
Pytorch Implementation of Variational Autoencoder for Deep Embedding Clustering
Unifying Variational Autoencoder (VAE) implementations in Pytorch (NeurIPS 2022)
github for "Molecular generative model based on conditional variational autoencoder for de novo molecular design"
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Automatic Chemical Design Using a Data-Driven Continuous Representation of Molecules"
Image Compression Using Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
Oblique Tree Classifier in Python
A Transformer Based VAE Architecture for De Novo Molecular Design
PyTorch implementation of some attentions for Deep Learning Researchers.
Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.
A Collection of Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in PyTorch.
Variational autoencoder implemented in tensorflow and pytorch (including inverse autoregressive flow)
Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System course source file
Safe Exploration with MPC and Gaussian process models
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
Python Implementation of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction