OpenWRT-nbg7815-r25660+11-c02a2db05e - sysupgrade Pre-release
Pre-releaseOpenWRT snapshot r25660-c02a2db05e firmware plus 11 commits for basic LED and FAN support for Zyxel ArmorG5 AKA NBG7815
DISCLAIMER: Your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the internet or wifi failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this build before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Zyxel Armor G5 (nbg7815) Openwrt build with commits for LED and FAN control. The led and fan support was developed by itorK and avalentin. There is also pwned fine tune work for fan support and other little thing form KONG. Finally there is no need to reboot or wifi up after first boot thanks to avalentin .
Thank you very much to all of you for your work.
what's new on:240324
It is not needed to reboot or wifi up after firstboot
Some modification to LEDs driver made by ItorK
Now LEDs go dark blue if wan interface is up and blinking green if it is down. Also they will go red while flashing. (Thanks KONG)
Basic script to make more easy to control hardcoded patterns LEDs. There are 22 hardcoded patterns on driver that can be used. "leds-on 1 1" "leds-on 21 5" "leds-on 5 15"; LEDs can be off if "leds-on 0 0". You can also control LEDs through luci. In this case LEDs will be always white (light blue) Use q1 and q2 channels. Don't use mmc0::.
Last official release ath11k 01977 firmware. This time the last release firmware seems to be working well.
And all existing improvements in the current snapshot version compared to the previous one
Build includes same packages than previous versions:
6in4, 6rd and 6to4
ACME scripts with DNS support
DDNS with no-ip script included
Files system included: ext4, fat, fat32, ntfs, exFat
Luci statistics
MAP Package (MAP-T / MAP-E) for 4in6 support
Network utilities: iperf, iperf3, netperf, itrr
OpenSSH SFTP Server
OpenVPN Easy RSA
Samba4 file sharing server
Tailscale / Tailscaled
Wake on Land
wifi schedule
And some more little stuff I can not remember now
*PS: I know there are many package on this release but you can always uninstall those you don't want.
- Still do not work:
What doesn't work in the OpenWrt snapshot r25660-c02a2db05e version
radio2 only works on channels 38-64
....and many more things that I still don't know what and where they are!!!