A discord bot that can download and run custom rivescripts for each server. To create your own rive script head on to www.rivescript.com.
Shows help message
Starts the RiveScript chat bot. It will only talk in the selected channel. (to select a channel use c.select_channel)
Stops the RiveScript chat bot.
Select the current channel for the conversation.
Upload your own RiveScript file to the bot. Attach the file to the command.
Removes the user uploaded file from the bot.
Remove the default brain of the bot.
Restore the default settings of the bot.
Load up your uploaded RiveScript file.
The command your entered was not found. All the commands
Talking in DM channels is not supported.
It is possible that the bot could not indentify the server you we're talking in. In that case please contact the bot's developer.
The file was not found in the file system and so it was not loaded.
An error was caught from rive script while loading the user uploaded script. Please check your script for syntax errors. To test your script in real time use: play.rivescript.com
The file was not found in the file system so it was not deleted. Either the administrator of the bot has removed it or you have already deleted it before.
There was an error while removing the file.
The default brain of the bot was not removed because the user has not uploaded a RiveScript file. This action is necessary to not have errors all over the place.