- Install argo cd
- Apply configmap to pod without restart pod
- K8s custom resource definition crd
- kubectl alpha debug command
- Update minikube and k8s version
- CKA lecutre orelly
- kubernetes the hard way
- troubleshooting kubernetes
- deploy eks in codepieline
- debug crashLoopBackOff pods trick
- eks workshop
- What is gitops?
- gitops-with-flux
- kustomize usage
- declarative management of kubernetes object using kustomize
- kubernetes terminal tools
- argo workflow 101 in eks
- luigi with kubernetes
- kubernetes ebs persistent volume
- kuberntes log with elastic
- flux 2 image update automation
- upgrade k8s version in eksctl
- Docker run override entrypoint
- Why docker and container
- difference between cmd and entrypoint
- got permission denied problem in linux for docker
- terraform view graph with dot
- move remote backend state from terraform cloud to s3
- terraform version error refreshing state
- terraform use environment variable to var name
- terraform with specific resources
- Get first item from list
- Bitwise operator XOR
- type hinting self class forward reference
- type hinting multiple return type union
- python-IO-stream-and-buffer
- import requirements txt to poetry
- singleton pattern in python
- kafka python usage
- isolated environment with pipx
- how to evaluate performance and time complextiy in python
- time complexity and implementation of python data structure
- add cronjob to elastic beanstalk django
- deploy django in elastic beanstalk
- celery unitest using memory broker
- django jet 3 collectstatic error
- find command usage
- count files in linux
- turn off swap memory
- maximum limits in os
- create shell script to remove all pyenv versions
- linux seminar about container
- jq command to pipeline json
- react infinite scroll
- chat-application-with-react-and-socket-io
- next js tutorial and documentation
- happy hacking hybrid tips
- gcloud use multiple configuration account
- tmux set syncronize pane typing
- kafka setup for ec2 server
- tmux shortcuts for remember
- aws certificate
- XSS and CSRF
- about online advertising
- aws cdk for deploy
- collapsible section in github markdown
- aws cdk multiple environment with context
- mac xcrun error after update mac version
- good lectures and books for learning basic of computer
- deploy application in lambda with docker image
- kms decrypt in cli
- android log with adb
- rfc6902 (json6902)
- mac brew error
- elastic beanstak https
- recommend study
- ga4 study
- autoencoder의 모든것
- 그림으로 공부하는 IT 인프라 구조
- http 완벽 가이드
- kubernetes in action
- hands on microservices in kubernetes
- python data science handbook
- deep learning with python
- deep learning and the game of go
- learning graphql
- Cloud Native Infrastructure
- Deep learning from scratch
- 밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝
- The Linux Command Line
- fluent python
- Operating system concepts
- 파이썬 자료구조와 알고리즘
- kafka the definitive edition
- 리액트 네이티브를 다루는 기술
꾸준히 할 수 있게 어떻게 공부를 시작하고 진행중인지 기록하는 공간. 본문에 해당 내용을 작성한 날짜를 적어둠