* Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.21
* Upgraded Boost to 1.69.0
* New Town04 (biggest so far), includes a freeway, new bridge and road barrier, a nicer landscape based on height-map, and new street props
* New Town05, adding more variety of intersections for the scenario runner
* Redesigned pedestrian models and animations (walk and idle) for male and female characters
* Added sensor for detecting obstacles (ray-cast based)
* Added sensor GNSS (GPS)
* Basic agent integrated with global router
* Added a few methods to manage an actor:
- set_velocity: for setting the linear velocity
- set_angular_velocity: for setting the angular velocity
- get_angular_velocity: for getting the angular velocity
- add_impulse: for applying an impulse (in world axis)
* Renamed vehicle.get_vehicle_control() to vehicle.get_control() to be consistent with walkers
* Added new mesh for traffic lights
* Added new pine tree assets, with their LODs finely tuned for performance
* Added point transformation functionality for LibCarla and PythonAPI
* Added "sensor_tick" attribute to sensors (cameras and lidars) to specify the capture rate in seconds
* Added Export/Import map tools
* Added "get_forward_vector()" to rotation and transform, retrieves the unit vector on the rotation's X-axis
* Added support for Deepin in PythonAPI's setup.py
* Added support for spawning and controlling walkers (pedestrians)
* Updated BasicAgent to allow setting target_speed and handle US-style traffic lights properly
* OpenDriveActor has been rewritten using the Waypoint API, this has fixed some bugs
* Remove crash reporter from packaged build
* Improved simulator fatal error handling, now uses UE4 fatal error system
* LibCarla server pipeline now compiles with exceptions disabled for better performance and compatibility with UE4
* Fixed TCP accept error, too many open files while creating and destroying a lot of sensors
* Fixed lost error messages in client-side, now when a request fails it reports the reason
* Fixed global route planner to handle round about turns and made the code consistent with local planner
* Fixed local planner to avoid premature route pruning at path overlaps
* Fixed autopilot direction not properly initialized that interfered with the initial raycast direction
* Fixed crash when an actor was destroyed but not de-registered, e.g. falling out of world bounds