Various Telco AI Usecases & Experiments
This is material for a tutorial that @sophwats and @willb developed about machine learning workflows and about running them on OpenShift
An Ansible module that enables Continuous Delivery with Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform (3scale AMP)
RedHat 3Scale Workshop
Automate the measurement of organizational behavior
Web dashboard to display summaries of SRE Ops activity and statistics on a "single pane of glass".
Red Hat Single Sign-On secured web application with a Java REST service backed by MySQL deployable on Openshift
The documentation repository for all Red Hat Summit 2018 Labs. The full labs agenda is online:
Integrate business processes with microservices on Eclipse Vert.x
OpenShift application templates supporting JBoss Middleware based applications.
Images & templates for deploying software to OpenShift
A collection of code samples to help you get started with OpenShift
Let's get the ball rolling on some Container-driven CI & CD
front end for ophicleide word2vec application
model training component for Ophicleide
Web console for a spark cluster management app
Collection of Centos based Dockerfiles. DB, middleware, etc...
Quick Starts and Demos intended for use with JBoss Fuse (both on EAP and Karaf) put together by a team of Red Hat Consultants
Camel MicroServices running locally, using Docker or as Kubernetes Service
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to clo…
Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.
fabric8 is an open source microservices platform based on Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins