- Pro
XML Parser written entirely in Lua that works for Lua 5.1+. Convert XML to and from Lua Tables 🌖💱
Code to control an XYZ miniMaker or Jr line of 3D printer
marcsekz / kicad-copper-thief
Forked from mrussell42/copper_thiefKicad Copper Thief Pattern Generator
cjheath / hackrf
Forked from greatscottgadgets/hackrflow cost software radio platform
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
Web interface for everything HackRF/Portapack
A makefile for ESP8266 and ESP32 Arduino projects
Custom firmware for the HackRF+PortaPack H1/H2/H4
ESP8266 based WiFi and MQTT interface for MPPT Inverters that use watchpower
A simple Mosquitto Docker Compose template
Power down RAID disks after a specified timeout
Browser Webextension for Firefox, Edge or Chromium derivatives to sync your bookmarks with a private backend.