sort_photo Public
Sorts photos, scans a directory for photos en movies and then moves them to a new directory. The new directory has a year/month/day stucture. (use at your own risk, it's not tested very well)
ghresearch Public
Research tool for Github, downloads repositories and generates markdown and html listings
markdown-to-ebook Public
Loops a directory with github projects, scans for documentation and readme's. And builds a html-version compatible with Callibre
filetool Public
Open a file with the correct MacOS program
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 8, 2023 -
vckube Public
Kubernetes Vagrant Provisioning and management command line interface
consoleprinter Public
Console printer with line-numbers, stack-traces, logging, conversions and coloring.
arguments Public
Argument parser based on docopt
brainyquote Public
Quote from http://www.brainyquote.com, downloader and fortune style printer
zero-btc-screen Public
Forked from dr-mod/zero-btc-screenBitcoin stock price for RPi Zero
DivideAndScan Public
Forked from snovvcrash/DivideAndScanDivide full port scan results and use it for targeted Nmap runs
bit Public
Forked from chriswalz/bitBit is a modern Git CLI
safaribooks Public
Forked from lorenzodifuccia/safaribooksDownload and generate EPUB of your favorite books from O'Reilly Learning (aka Safari Books Online) library.
super-linter Public
Forked from super-linter/super-linterCombination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action
servefolder Public
OSX service to start a webserver on a folder
locatebash Public
Bash locate combines mdfind and locate
quotesbot Public
Forked from jiansoung/quotesbotquotesbot - crawl quotes with Scrapy
yabai Public
Forked from koekeishiya/yabaiA tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
build-your-own-x Public
Forked from codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
SafariBooks-Downloader Public
Forked from nicohaenggi/SafariBooks-Downloadera SafariBooksOnline downloader that generates respective .epub books for offline and kindle reading
DeDRM_tools Public
Forked from apprenticeharper/DeDRM_toolsDeDRM tools for ebooks
torrentool Public
Forked from idlesign/torrentoolThe tool to work with torrent files.
whereami Public
Forked from rafaelrinaldi/whereami📍 Get your geolocation information using freegeoip.app
jetbrains-ide-performance Public
Forked from ScriptedAlchemy/jetbrains-ide-performanceHigh Performance Configuration for Jetbrains IDEs [IntelliJ, WebStorm, etc..]
cdto Public
Forked from jbtule/cdtoFinder Toolbar app to open the current directory in the Terminal (or iTerm, X11)
Karabiner-Elements Public
Forked from pqrs-org/Karabiner-ElementsThe next generation Karabiner for macOS Sierra
youtube-dl Public
Forked from Jamie-Landeg-Jones/youtube-dlSmall command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Python The Unlicense UpdatedOct 18, 2019