Minimal implementation of clipped objective Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) in PyTorch
Keras Temporal Convolutional Network.
PyTorch implementation of batched bi-RNN encoder and attention-decoder.
A bidirectional LSTM with attention on English to Chinese translation dataset
Analysis of Time Series data using Seq2Seq LSTM and 2 attention layers
Implementation of seq2seq with attention in keras
Arima/DNN/LSTM ... based Time Series Analysis projects
The program developed helps to identify aircraft with its position, velocity and flight information to detect aircraft in breach of Air Law over a controlled Airspace (London) using ADS-B data streams
PyTorch Implementation of MADDPG (Lowe et. al. 2017)
Path planning of multi-agent-system for UAV use
Implementation of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) with Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)
Contains various trajectory planning algorithms for drones (minimum jerk, spline trajectory etc. ) for drones. Drone is controlled using MAVSDK-Python
utilizing RL and GNN for trajectory planning(co-work)
UAV trajectory design (DQN)
DQN 无人机 强化学习可视化
This is a project about deep reinforcement learning autonomous obstacle avoidance algorithm for UAV.
Build a LSTM encoder-decoder using PyTorch to make sequence-to-sequence prediction for time series data
Built low compute Spatio-Temporal Encoder-Decoder using time-series satellite imagery to improve weather now-casting for solar grid scheduling. Reached top 5 internationally in the ClimateHack.AI q…
Code for the paper "Predicting origin-destination ride-sourcing demand with a spatio-temporal encoder-decoder residual multi-graph convolutional network"
This repo contains the code of an encoder-decoder architecture for trajectory prediction.
attention-based LSTM/Dense implemented by Keras
种群算法复现(swarm-algorithm),包括乌鸦搜索(Crow Search Algorithm, CSA)、樽海鞘群算法(Salp Swarm Algorithm, SSA)、缎蓝园丁鸟优化算法(Satin Bowerbird Optimizer, SBO)、麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm, SSA)、 狼群搜索算法(2007WPS, 2013WPA…
a forecast of the transport costs of the company TIMAR Afrique for the road service and transit for import and export. For the purpose of reducing costs and at the same time improving the quality o…
Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using Swarm Intelligence: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm