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Upgrade Note

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.0.12, please remove the RSSLogger section from slogger_config and regenerate it by running slogger again. A new section will be added in addition to RSSLogger called Bloglogger. RSSLogger now logs all entries for the timespan as a single digest entry, whereas Bloglogger loads each item found as an individual "post."


Slogger indexes various public social services and creates Day One ( journal entries or plain text Markdown files for them. It allows you to keep a personal journal that collects your online social life automatically, all in one place.


  • Slogger 2.x uses a plugin architecture to allow easy extension
    • Default plugins:
      • Github
        • new plugin, supercedes Gist logger.
        • Logs push, watch and gist activity
      • Flickr
        • images uploaded in the last 24 hours, each as an individual post
        • Can handle multiple accounts
        • Scrobbled songs for the current day
        • updated to grab more songs
      • Blog entries
        • designed to pull in your blog posts with leading image and excerpt (optionally markdownified).
        • Handles multiple feeds
      • RSS Feeds
        • logs any feed entries for the given timespan as a digest entry
        • handles multiple feeds
      • Twitter
        • Tweets and Favorites for the day as digest entries
        • handles multiple Twitter accounts
      • Instapaper
        • Unread and/or individual folders
      • Foursquare
        • Checkins for the day
      • Pinboard
        • Daily digest with descriptions
        • optionally include bookmark tags in entry
      • Pocket
        • Digest list of links---read and unread---posted to Pocket
      • Goodreads
        • books marked read for the day, one entry each with book cover image, ratings and your review.
        • Inserted at the date marked finished.
        • posts for the current day
      • OmniFocus complete tasks for the day
  • Slogger can be called with a single argument that is a path to a local image or text file, and an entry will be created containing its contents.
    • You can use this with a folder action or launchd task to add files from a folder connected to something like Any images added to the watched folder will be turned into journal entries.
      • Note that Slogger does not delete the original file, so your script needs to move files out of the folder manually to avoid double-processing.


  1. From within the Slogger folder, run ./slogger to create the initial configuration file. If this doesn't work, you may need to make the file executable: chmod a+x slogger from within the Slogger folder.
  2. Edit the file slogger_config that shows up
    • The only options will be 'storage:' and 'image_filename_is_title:'
    • storage: should be one of
      • 'icloud'
      • a path to a Dropbox-synced Journal (e.g. '/Users/username/Dropbox/Apps/Day One/Journal.dayone')
      • a path to a folder for storing markdown files and related images (if the path doesn't end in "Journal.dayone", markdown storage is triggered automatically)
    • image_filename_is_title: should be set to true or false. If true, it will use the base filename (without extension) as the title of images imported individually.
  3. Move any additional plugins you want to use from /plugins_disabled/ into /plugins/.
  4. Run ./slogger again to update the configuration file with enabled plugin options.
  5. Edit slogger_config again and fill in the necessary parameters for listed configuration settings.
  6. Next time you run ./slogger, it will execute the plugins and generate your log entries.


  1. From within the Slogger folder, run ./slogger to run the data capture for the plugins you have in you /plugins/ directory.
  2. You may run ./slogger manually to test, or if you do not wish to automate the process.
  3. If you wish to automate slogger use Lingon (launchd) or other scheduling app.
  4. You can install a launchd task that will automatically run at 11:50pm every night by running install.rb. It's the same as Lingon would create, but all automatic and everything.
    • To uninstall the launchd task, run the command rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.brettterpstra.slogger and then log out and back in.

Command line options

$ ./slogger -h
Usage: slogger [-dq] [-r X] [/path/to/image.jpg]
    -c, --config FILE                Specify alternate configuration file
    -d, --develop                    Develop mode
    -h, --help                       Display this screen
    -o, --onlyrun NAME[,NAME2...]    Only run plugins matching items in comma-delimited string (partial names ok)
    -q, --quiet                      Run quietly (no notifications/messages)
    -r, --retries COUNT              Maximum number of retries per plugin (int)
    -s, --since-last                 Set the timespan to the last run date
    -t, --timespan DAYS              Days of history to collect
    -u, --undo COUNT                 Undo the last COUNT runs
    -v, --version                    Display the version number

Note: You can use the -s option to only log since the last run date, handy if you want to run Slogger more than once per day or are testing plugins.

You can also use -o to run only a certain plugin in the standard plugin directory: just provide it with enough of the name to be unique, e.g. slogger -o gist.

The -u X option will undo the last X runs. This works by checking the timestamp of the run and deleting any entries created after that timestamp. It should not be used if you have manually created entries since the last Slogger run. It also does not remove the run timestamps from the list, so running ./slogger -u 4 will remove the entries created by the last four runs, and then running ./slogger -u 5 will undo one more run in history.

Plugin development

More documentation coming. See plugin_template.rb to get started.

If you want to edit an existing plugin to change parameters or output, move the original to plugins_disabled and make a copy with a new name in plugins. It will make it easier to update in the future without losing your changes.

When developing plugins you can create a directory called 'plugins_develop' in the same folder as 'plugins' and work on new plugins in there. When you run slogger, use ./slogger -d to only run plugins in the develop folder while testing.

@log is a global logger object. use"Message") (or warn/error/fatal) to generate log messages using the default formatter.

@config is the global configuration object. Your plugin settings will be stored under @config[PluginClassName].

$options contains options parsed from the command line. Use $options[:optionname] to read the setting.

  • :develop whether Slogger was run in develop mode
  • :timespan the timespan passed from the command line as number of days (int)
  • :quiet suppresses log messages. This affects the log formatter and shouldn't generally be needed. Just create log messages using @log and if :quiet is true, they'll be suppressed.
  • :retries is the number of retries to attempt on any given operation. Create loops in network calls and parsing routines to allow for retry on failure, and use $options[:retries] to determine how many times to iterate.

@timespan is available to all plugins and contains a date object based on the timespan setting. This defaults to 24 hours prior to the run.


Social logging script for Day One






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