Form analytics. Track form interactions and display collected statistics via dynamic heat mapping and graphical analysis. Find common weak points in your forms by tracking form abandoment, common validation errors, and identifying inputs that frustrate your potential clients.
Easy to install and use
Compatible with existing HTML forms (no code change required)
Capable of tracking abandonment, user stats(location, browser, etc) and submitted values
• everything
// Crow's Nest - Form Analytics /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What it will do: Keeps tabs on
which fields were touched in what order fields were touched
which fields had the most errors during - 1. filling it out and - 2. submission
creates visual maps that you can follow incrementally
- individual results
- incrementally you see all routes each route has a color associated with it the more results that are the same the dark red it is
statistical information
- creates pie chart to show what's the major point of abandonment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Get a list of all the inputs
// Crow Cart - Analytics /------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What it will do: Keeps track of search queries, items added to cart, items added to cart after searches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
/* Break the project into parts: --focus:
Front-end form analytics
---later: ~~Front-end form validation ~~Back-end form validation */
// Initialize loggin functions:
/* Throwing error window.onload = function() { timeKeeper('start'); }; */
/* Throwing errors function timeKeeper(action) { var time = [];
if (action === 'start') { time.start = new.Date(); }
if (action == 'end') { time.end = new.Date(); }
if (action == '') {}
} */ // Save form actions: // Set event handlers: // Get a list of all the inputs in the form in an array.