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stev0thegreat edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Crow's wiki!

Crows: As in the crow's nest of a naval vessel. A bird's-eye view of the ship (i.e., our form) and all that goes on below and abroad. It's our best chance at getting a clear idea of what's going on with our forms, the people who use them, and how we might make proper adjustments for a smooth sailing ship.


  • index.html - A basic form with all the normal form input types.
  • css:
    • style.scss - Make the form not so painful to look at. Keep eyes happy.
  • js:
    • crows.js - Client-side validation (auto collect input fields) and form interaction logging.
  • php:
    • deckswab.php - Server-side form validation and data scrubbing.

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