This is an application of Process Optimization to optimize the cost incurred on pipe distribution for water supply in large scale within the constraints of radius of pipe, water flow rate and heigh…
leoclassic / RNN_LSTM
Forked from Marchaser/RNN_LSTMMatlab Mex implementation
This is an implementation of clustering IRIS dataset with particle swarm optimization(PSO)
Hybrid PSO Clustering Algorithm with K-Means for Data Clustering
Sensor placement for leak detection and location in water distribution networks with EPANET
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) plays an extremely important role in the current military warfare because of their low cost, zero casualties, flexibility and sustainable operations. The passive TDOA …
By using 3-layer DBN to extract features embed in original image data, then fed the features into a extreme learning machine(ELM) for classification. Due to the difficulty in hiiden-nodes selection…
Preparation to CISS-2022 competition in Singapour
Anomaly Detection in OT datasets through machine learning (AE/VAE/PCA)
Modern water distribution systems rely on computers, sensors and actuators for both monitoring and operational purposes. This combination of physical processes and embedded systems—cyber-physical s…
Dataset for Governors School for Agriculture (CAIA 2022) at Virginia Tech
Guest Speaker - Governors School for Agriculture (CAIA 2022) at Virginia Tech
TimeGANs for synthetic data generation in cyber-physical systems using Tensorflow
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Greedy Search Applied to Water Distribution System Optimization
This repository contains the coding aspect of the project Leakage Detection in Smart Water Distribution Systems, where the collected data is used for training an ANN model to detect leakage.
Graph neural networks for state estimation in water distribution systems
The Water Distribution System Hydraulic and Water Quality Analysis Toolkit
Surface water quality data analysis and prediction of Potomac River, West Virginia, USA. Using time series forecasting, and anomaly detection : ARIMA, SARIMA, Isolation Forest, OCSVM and Gaussian D…
Code for 'Multi-Task Federated Learning for Personalised Deep Neural Networks in Edge Computing', published in IEEE TPDS.
Deep Neural Network for Computation Rate Maximization in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing System
Energy Aware Resource Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm in Edge Computing
Hierarchical multi-agent systems for multiple UAVs
Using OpenStreetMap (organized by MyGeoData) data to model building, customer, and vendor locations in San Francisco, New York City, and Los Angeles and determine the required number of randomly di…
UAV Mission Planner-Plans Optimal Route for a UAV of limited sensor range to scan an area given limited time and resources
Trajectory Optimization for Drones along with obstacle avoidance using Overlap of Gaussian distributions