(old) ROS driver for ABB IRC5 / RW5 or RW6 controllers (Simple Message & RAPID)
Jiminy: a fast and portable Python/C++ simulator of poly-articulated robots with OpenAI Gym interface for reinforcement learning
A minimal reinforcement learning environment interface with additional opt-in features.
A few benchmarks between RaiSim and DART libraries
Robotic Python - Robotic Control Interface & Manipulation Planning Library
Lecture notes, slides and scripts (LaTeX sources) in AI, Robotics, Machine Learning, Maths, Optimization
🧪 single header unit testing framework for C and C++
Header-only single-class implementation of Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls finding in arbitrary dimension (>1) space.
C++ implementation of several image contrast enhancement techniques.
Polygonal Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds (C++ & Python)
Aggressive trajectory tracking using mavros for PX4 enabled vehicles
Build beautiful desktop apps with flutter and rust. 🌠 (wip)
A ROS-independent package for logging that seamlessly pipes into rosconsole/rosout for ROS-dependent packages.
A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
MoreFusion: Multi-object Reasoning for 6D Pose Estimation from Volumetric Fusion, CVPR 2020
Replace pr2_ethercat main loop with one based on ros_control
Repo for the paper "SymPy: symbolic computing in python"
Builds on top of Qt to provide widgets which are useful when developing robotics applications, such as a 3D view, plots, dashboard, etc, and can be used together in a convenient unified interface.
An experiment in tracking and diffing versions of modern Microsoft Office files in Git.
Repository for a C++11 implementation of std::out_ptr (p1132), as a standalone library!
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Simulation framework for nonsmooth dynamical systems
A Simulation Environment to train Robots in Large Realistic Interactive Scenes