sonoff-control-server Public
Alternative REST server for Sonoff smart home devices. Supports multi-user device management and control.
yoshi Public
Forked from hadarge/yoshiA Toolkit that supports building all kinds of applications in wix
TypeScript UpdatedJun 9, 2020 -
data-capsule Public
Forked from wix-incubator/data-capsuleA pluggable capsule for storing key/value data for your application
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2019 -
open-graph-scraper-service Public
Open Graph tags scraper service
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2019 -
webpack-spritesmith Public
Forked from mixtur/webpack-spritesmithWebpack plugin that converts set of images into a spritesheet and SASS/LESS/Stylus mixins
JavaScript UpdatedNov 1, 2018 -
Alexa Skill for Sonoff Control Server
ngMigration-Assistant Public
Forked from ellamaolson/ngMigration-AssistantAn analysis tool to determine which migration path from AngularJS to Angular is right for you.
TypeScript UpdatedAug 19, 2018 -
TypeScript-Node-Starter Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-Node-StarterA starter template for TypeScript and Node with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
CSS MIT License UpdatedMay 30, 2018 -
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Other UpdatedApr 9, 2018 -
json-server Public
Forked from typicode/json-serverGet a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2018 -
angular-daterangepicker Public
Forked from fragaria/angular-daterangepickerAngular.js wrapper for dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
simple-sonoff-server Public
Forked from mdopp/simple-sonoff-serverJavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 29, 2017 -
backchart Public
Forked from xch89820/backchartA MVC structure based on Backbone and your chart library
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2017 -
backbone.paginator Public
Forked from backbone-paginator/backbone.paginatorA pageable, drop-in replacement for Backbone.Collection called Backbone.PageableCollection.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2017 -
angular-validation Public
Forked from hueitan/angular-validationClient Side Validation for AngularJS - http://huei90.github.io/angular-validation/
JavaScript UpdatedSep 26, 2016 -
chosen-package Public
Forked from harvesthq/chosen-packageNOTE: This Bower-and-NPM-friendly version of Chosen is automatically generated from TravisCI. Please send ALL PR's to the canonical Chosen repo:
CSS UpdatedAug 31, 2016 -
chosen Public
Forked from harvesthq/chosenChosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
HTML Other UpdatedAug 31, 2016 -
angular-chosen Public
Forked from leocaseiro/angular-chosenAngular Chosen directive is an AngularJS Directive that brings the Chosen jQuery in a Angular way
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2016 -
angular-selector Public
Forked from indrimuska/angular-selectorA native AngularJS directive that transform a simple <select> box into a full html select with typeahead.
CSS MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2016 -
angular-form-builder Public
Forked from kelp404/angular-form-builderDrag and drop to build bootstrap forms in AngularJS.
CoffeeScript UpdatedJun 9, 2016 -
bluebird Public
Forked from petkaantonov/bluebird🐦 ⚡ Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2016 -
ng-decorators Public
Forked from cmartin81/ng-decoratorsES6 decorators for easy creating services, providers, controllers and directives
JavaScript UpdatedMar 9, 2016 -
lumbar-loader Public
Forked from walmartlabs/lumbar-loaderJavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2015 -
grunt-json-merge Public
Forked from ramiel/grunt-json-mergeGrunt.js plugin to merge JSON files handling override of keys
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2015 -
malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin Public
Forked from malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-pluginHighly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin, featuring vertical/horizontal scrollbars, scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support etc.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2015 -
swag Public
Forked from elving/swagSwag is a growing collection of helpers for handlebars templates.
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2015