- Shenzhen
- https://blog.csdn.net/lishanlu136
free-programming-books-zh_CN Public
Forked from justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2021 -
visualization_caffenet Public
visualization caffenet(用matlab可视化caffemodel的特征)
MATLAB UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
data_loader Public
data load use tensorflow.data.dataset api(用tensorflow.data.dataset接口实现数据加载)
Python UpdatedJun 17, 2020 -
tensorflow quantization aware training(利用TensorFlow实现模型伪量化)
tensorflow_tutorials Public
A tensorflow tutorial on how to define variables, how to train and visualize, and some important knowledge points.
Python UpdatedJun 16, 2020 -
Traffic-light-classification Public
Traffic light classification use cnn(caffe 实现交通信号灯分类)
yymnist Public
Forked from YunYang1994/yymnista mnist dataset for object detection
Python UpdatedFeb 7, 2020 -
Pedestrian-Attribute-Recognition-Paper-List Public
Forked from xinjiachen/Pedestrian-Attribute-Recognition-Paper-ListThe paper list of person attribute recognition
UpdatedJan 12, 2020 -
FaceRecognition Public
Face recognition demo with anti-spoofing function.(带活体检测的人脸识别demo)
svm_classification_using_hog Public
opencv-lane-vehicle-track Public
Forked from tomazas/opencv-lane-vehicle-trackOpenCV implementation of lane and vehicle tracking
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
MTCNN-Tensorflow Public
Forked from AITTSMD/MTCNN-TensorflowReproduce MTCNN using Tensorflow
Python UpdatedOct 16, 2018