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Expand Up @@ -380,142 +380,6 @@ \subsection{Neutral diversity and population structure}
island. Therefore, considering our island our sub-population we have
derived another simple model of $F_{ST}$ .

\subsection{Other approaches to population structure}
There is a broad spectrum of methods to describe patterns of
population structure in populaion genetic datasets. We'll briefly
discuss two broad-classes of methods, assigment methods and principal
components analysis,that appear often in the literature.

\subsubsection{Assignment Methods}

Here we'll describe a simple probabilistic assignment to find the
probability that an individual of unknown population comes from one of
$K$ predefined populations. We'll then briefly explain how to extend this
to cluster individuals into $K$ initially unknown populations. This
method is a simplified version of what Bayesian population genetics
clustering algorithms such as STRUCTURE and ADMIXTURE do (Pritchard et al. Genetics 2000).

\paragraph{A simple assignment method}

We have genotype data from unlinked S bi-allelic loci for $K$ populations. The allele frequency of allele $A_1$ at locus $l$ in population $k$ is denoted by $p_{k,l}$, so that the allele frequencies in population 1 are $p_{1,1},\cdots p_{1,L}$ and population 2 are $p_{2,1},\cdots p_{2,L}$ and so on.

You type a new individual from an unknown population at these $L$ loci. This individual's genotype at locus $l$ is $g_l$, where $g_l$ denotes the number of copies of allele $A_1$ this individual carries at this locus ($g_l=0,1,2$).

The probability of this individual's genotype at locus $l$ conditional on coming from population $k$ (i.e. their alleles being a random HW draw from population $k$) is
P(g_l | \textrm{pop k}) = I(g_l=0) (1-p_{k,l})^2 + I(g_l=1) 2 p_{k,l} (1-p_{k,l}) + I(g_l=2) p_{k,l}^2
where $I(g_l=0)$ is an indicator function which is $1$ if $g_l=0$ and
zero otherwise, and likewise for the other indicator functions. This
follows simply from HWE.

Assuming that the loci are independent, the probability of individual's genotypes conditional on them coming from population $k$ is
P(\textrm{ind.} | \textrm{pop k}) = \prod_{l=1}^S P(g_l | \textrm{pop k}) \label{eqn_assignment}

We wish to know the probability that this new individual comes from population $k$, i.e. $P(\textrm{pop k} | \textrm{new ind.})$. We can obtain this through Bayes rule
P(\textrm{pop k} | \textrm{ind.}) = \frac{P(\textrm{ind.} | \textrm{pop k}) P(\textrm{pop k})}{P(\textrm{ind.})}
P(\textrm{ind.}) = \sum_{k=1}^K P(\textrm{ind.} | \textrm{pop k}) P(\textrm{pop k})
is the normalizing constant. We interpret $P(\textrm{pop k})$ as the
prior probability of the individual coming from population $k$, unless
we have some other prior knowledge we will assume that the new individual has a equal probability of coming from each population $P(\textrm{pop k})=1/K$.

We intepret
P(\textrm{pop k} | \textrm{ind.})
as the posterior probability that our new individual comes from each of our $1,\cdots, K$ populations.

More sophisticated versions of this are now used to allow for hybrids,
e.g, we can have a proportion $q_k$ of our individual's genome come
from population $k$ and estimate the set of $q_k$'s.

{\bf Question.} We have two populations where the frequency of allele
$A_1$ at two SNPs ($A_1/A_2$) is given by
Population & locus 1 & locus 2 \\
A & $0.1$ & $0.85$ \\
B & $0.95$ & $0.2$ \\
We sample an individual whose genotype is $A_1A_1$ at the first locus
and $A_2A_2$ at the second. What
is the probability that our indvidual comes from population 1 vs
population 2?
Lets assume that with probability $q_1$ our individual draws an allele
from population $1$ and that with probability $q_2=1-q_1$ they draw an allele from
population $2$. What is the probability of our individual's genotype
given $q_1$? Plot this probability as a function of $q_1$. How does
your plot change if our individual is heterozygote at both loci?

\paragraph{Clustering based on assignment methods}
While it is great to be able to assign our individuals to particular
population, these ideas can be pushed to learn about how best to
describe our genotype data in terms of discrete populations without
assigning any of our individuals to populations {\it a priori}.
We wish to cluster our individuals into $K$ unknown populations. We begin by assigning our individuals at random to these $K$ populations.
\item Given these assignments we estimate the allele frequencies at all of our loci in each population.
\item Given these allele frequencies we chose to reassign each individual to a population $k$ with a probability given by eqn. ($\ref{eqn_assignment}$).
We iterate steps 1 and 2 for many iterations. If the data is sufficiently informative the assignments and allele frequencies will quickly converge.

To do this in a full bayesian scheme we need to place priors on the
allele frequencies (e.g. a beta distribution).Technically we are using
this is the joint posterior of our allele frequencies and assignments.

\subsubsection{Principal components analysis}
The use of principal component analysis in population genetics was
pioneered by Cavalli-Sforza. With large genotyping datasets PCA has made
a come back. See Patterson et al 2006, PLoS Genetics and McVean,
G. 2010 PLoS Genetics and for recent discussion.

Consider a dataset consisting of N individuals at S bi-allelic
SNPs. The $i^{th}$ individual's genotype data at locus $\ell$ takes
value $g_{i,\ell}$=0,1, or 2 (corresponding to the number of copies of
allele $A_1$ an individual carrys at this SNP). We can think of this
as a N x S matrix (where usually $N \ll S$).

Denoting the sample mean allele freq at SNP $\ell$ by $p_{\ell}$ we usually standardize the genotype in the following way
\frac{g_{i,\ell} - 2 p_{\ell}}{\sqrt{p_{\ell}(1-p_{\ell})}}
i.e. at each SNP we center the genotypes by minusing of the mean
genotype ($2\epsilon_{\ell}$) and divide through by the expected
variance assuming that alleles are sampled binomially from the mean
frequency ($\sqrt{p_{\ell} (1-p_{\ell})}$). Doing this to
all of our genotypes we form a data matrix (of dimension N x S). We
can then perform principal components analysis of this data matrix to
cover the major axes of genotype variance in our sample.

It is worth taking a moment to delve further into what we are doing
here. There's a number of equivalent ways to thinking about what PCA
is doing, one of these is to think that when we do PCA we are building the individual by individual
covariance matrix and performing eigen-value decomposition of this
matrix (with the eigen-vectors giving the PC). This individual by individual covariance matrix has entries
the $(i,~j)^{th}$ entry given by
\sum_{\ell=1}^S \frac{(g_{i,\ell} - 2p_{\ell})(g_{j,\ell} - 2p_{\ell})}{p_{\ell}(1-p_{\ell})}
note that this is the covariance, is very similar to those we
encountered in discussing $F$-statistics as correlations (equation
\eqref{eqn:Fascorr}), expect now we are asking about the allelic covariance
between two individuals above that expected if they were both drawn
from the total sample at random (rather than the covariance of alleles
within a single individual). So by performing PCA on the data we are
learning about the major (orthogonal) axes of the kinship matrix.



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