UnityHeapExplorer Public
A Memory Profiler, Debugger and Analyzer for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
UnityPlayModeInspector Public
PlayMode Inspector for Unity allows you to display internal state, eg. from a MonoBehaviour, to a dedicated editor window.
UnityCommandLine Public
A command-line parser for Unity 2019.3 and newer in the style of PlayerPrefs.
A CubemapArray Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
UnityCopyLightingSettings Public
Unity editor extension to copy&paste lighting settings from one scene to another.
A Texture3D Atlas Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
A Texture2DArray Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
UnityDbgDraw Public
DbgDraw is an API that provides the ability to render various 2D and 3D shapes for visual debugging purposes.
BuildLayout Explorer for Unity 2019.3 and newer allows you to inspect the buildlayout.txt report that is generated by Addressables.
Work with ScriptableObjects in a similar manner to how you work with Components and GameObjects
Color Gradient Texture Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer
UnityUICulling Public
UI Culling for Unity allows to trigger OnBecameVisible & OnBecameInvisible events on uGUI widgets.
Breaking down timings on compilation, assembly reload and enter/exit Play Mode in the simplest way possible. Requires Unity 2019.3 and newer.
UnityOcclusionLensFlare Public
A Lens Flare effect for Unity that doesn't require Physics.
UnityModularShaderPrototype Public
An unfinished prototype for a modular shader system for Unity. Please see link below.