The Quality Control traits library (gnss-qc-traits
) is a small library
that offers the basic operations to form a geodesy processing pipeline, as used by
our Quality Control library.
(Quality Control) library answers the demanding task
of GNSS data (post) processing. This topic usually involves several different formats
at the input of a processing pipeline.
A pipeline may be formed using all types that implement our Qc Traits (low level traits).
A processing pipeline usually requires Preprocessing
that we offer by means of this very trait.
The Qc library offers several important features
- the definition of an Almanac using the ANISE
- the definition of a precise Earth centered Reference Frame
- Injecting RINEX data at the input of the pipeline, which is one of the most convenient format for GNSS post processing
- Injecting SP3 data at the input of the pipeline, which is the standard format for post processed high precision GNSS navigation.
- precise timing thanks to the Hifitime library
These libraries is part of the RTK-rs framework which is delivered under the Mozilla V2 Public license.