VMware Secrets Manager is a lightweight secrets manager to protect your sensitive data. It’s perfect for edge deployments where energy and footprint requirements are strict—See more: https://vsecm.…
A general purpose cloud provider for Kube-Vip
Deploys ACME Fitness application across different environments
Docker Certification Associate preparation guide - a list of resources to help you prepare for a successful certification
resources for the Terraform Associate certification exam
🚀 🔧 vRealize Automation PowerShell Toolkit
tvna / phpipam-docker
Forked from clinta/phpipamphpIPAM (PHP-FPM + Nginx) Docker image
Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.
This module provides a framework to provide a normalized set of parameters to import virtual appliances in OVA or OVF formats into VMware vSphere environments via PowerCLI.