Pose Public
A bare metal Python library for building and manipulating protein molecular structures
MiraMar Public
De novo cyclic protein polypeptide design using reinforcement learning.
ProtVR Public archive
Visualise a Protein in Virtual Reality
SinfNet Public
A collection of datasets and neural networks for microorganism image classification
DiffusionModel Public archive
Generic U-Net based diffusion model written in tensorflow
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 21, 2023 -
DeepPhase Public archive
Protein Crystal Classification Using Machine Learning
RMSD Public archive
Calculate the RMSD between two protein structures
ReNumb Public archive
Renumbers a PDB protein structure starting at residue 1 and chain A
VaxDesign Public
A script that computationally designs a vaccine
RamaNet Public
Preforms De novo protein design using machine learning and PyRosetta to generate a novel protein structure
RosettaAbinitio Public archive
A bash script for an automated Rosetta Abinitio folding simulation on an HPC
Coronavirus Public archive
Live Coronavirus Tracker
ilmbot Public archive
A Twitter bot for the twitter account of my podcast ILM FM
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2019 -
RosettaDesign Public
RosettaDesign using PyRosetta
Rg Public archive
A small python script that calculates the Radius of Gyration (Rg) of a protein.
ProtLSTM Public archive
An LSTM neural network to generate novel protein sequences
PDBAnalyse Public archive
A script that uses Machine Learning to analyse all protein structures in the Protein DataBank (PDB) database
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2018 -
IRCbot Public archive
A simple IRC bot that posts a notice when talked to
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
RefineAssist Public archive
This script will calculate the solvent-accessible surface (SASA) for each amino acid within a protein and point out which amino acids are in the wrong layer.
ProtLayers Public archive
This script calculates the different layers (Surface, Boundery, Core) of a protein then opens Pymol to highlight them.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2018 -
CoreRefine Public archive
This script generates a Resfile that allows better core packing of a protein.
CoreAnalyse Public archive
This script points out if a protein's core has polar amino acids.
XtalPredSubmit Public archive
A script that submits a query to the XtalPred server for protein crystallisability prediction
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2018 -
PDBclean Public archive
A small script that cleans the PDB database
InstaMediaGET Public archive
A small script that parses an instagram account and gets all the video or image URLs.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2017 -
FragQuality Public archive
Measures the RMSD for each fragment at each protein structure's position and plots the lowest RMSD fragment for each position
Frags Public archive
Generate Fragment Picking and PSIPRED secondary structure prediction.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2017 -