- Oakland, CA
- https://hackerbots.net/
Automatically detects and votekicks cheaters/bots in TF2 casual.
JSON API for productivity tracking with Pomodoros
Doxyqml turns .qml into pseudo-C++ which Doxygen can then use to generate documentation.
lilheron / storiedhaven
Forked from pkropf/storiedhavenCode for the Storied Haven garden.
Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol.
A command line utility for managing your magical gifs
Little system to handle RFID access control at Noisebridge
tdfischer / hackron
Forked from hackron/hackronHackers descend on Akron, Ohio
nortonimperiallabs / infra
Forked from rrix/sfhackerspace-infraAnsible and related stuff from Norton Imperial Labs
Issues-only repository for tracking work across the keygraph project.
tdfischer / Vala_CMake
Forked from jakobwesthoff/Vala_CMakeCMake macros to compile and manage Vala projects
A bukkit plugin to carve your world into named regions.
tdfischer / Vault
Forked from MilkBowl/VaultVault of common API's for Bukkit Plugins
tdfischer / Catacombs
Forked from Blockhead2/CatacombsCatacomb plugin for Minecraft