This is C++ header-only implementation of incremental search within a list of captions (menu, articles, etc) with misprint corrections support.
- incrementalSearch.hpp - search implementation
- spellCheck.hpp - spelling checker using Optimal String Alignment distance (a variation of Damerau–Levenshtein distance) with optional modification for better incremental search matching
- test.cpp - a kind of tests and usage example.
- msvc-test - test solution for MSVC 2015 and higher
- linux-test - Linux Makefile
- getch.cpp, getch.h - a stub for similar getch() on windows and Linux
- list of Wikipedia core articles is used as a text to perform search in
#include "incrementalSearch.hpp"
void f()
std::vector<std::string> listOfTopics = {...};
IncrementalSearch search { listOfTopics };
const std::string& closestMatchedTopic ='misprint');
// or:
#include "spellCheck.hpp"
void g()
const char* textCorpus[] = {"one two, three", "Four.Five", "verylongword"};
SpellCheck speller { textCorpus };
const size_t maxCount = 2;
auto corrections = speller.getCorrections("tree", maxCount); // "three"
auto incrementalCorrections = speller.getCorrections("_ery", maxCount, true); // "_ery" -> "very.*" -> "verylongword"
void h()
SpellCheck::getSmartDistance("abcde", "abc"); // == 2
SpellCheck::getSmartDistance(CString("abcde"), std::string("abcd"));
SpellCheck::getSmartDistance("abcde", "abc", true/*incremental*/); // == 0, "abc" -> "abc.*" -> "abcde"
C++ 14 with at least partial expression SFINAE is needed. Testsed on:
- Visual Studio 2015 update 3
- gcc 7.2
See test.cpp for more detailed examples.