- Redmond
- https://wenbowen123.github.io/
- @bowenwen_me
BundleTrack Public
[IROS 2021] BundleTrack: 6D Pose Tracking for Novel Objects without Instance or Category-Level 3D Models
iros20-6d-pose-tracking Public
[IROS 2020] se(3)-TrackNet: Data-driven 6D Pose Tracking by Calibrating Image Residuals in Synthetic Domains
catgrasp Public
[ICRA 2022] CaTGrasp: Learning Category-Level Task-Relevant Grasping in Clutter from Simulation
icra20-hand-object-pose Public
[ICRA 2020] Robust, Occlusion-aware Pose Estimation for Objects Grasped by Adaptive Hands
hector_slam_Ceres Public
"Localization and Perception for Control and Decision-Making of a Low-Speed Autonomous Shuttle in a Campus Pilot Deployment." SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles 1, no. 12…
ros_UDP Public
A small program used to realize UDP communication on ROS. Can receive or send data on ROS. The original code is a project about coordination between SLAM and dSpace controller. You can change it fo…