This is code review for DESeq2 for my personal understanding
core ........... most of the statistical code (example call below)
fitNbinomGLMs .. three functions for fitting NB GLMs
methods ........ the S4 methods (estimateSizeFactors, etc.)
AllClasses ..... class definitions and object constructors
AllGenerics .... the generics defined in DESeq2
results ........ results() function and helpers
plots .......... all plotting functions
lfcShrink ...... log2 fold change shrinkage
helper ......... unmix, collapseReplicates, fpkm, fpm, DESeqParallel
expanded ....... helpers for dealing with expanded model matrices
wrappers ....... the R wrappers for the C++ functions (mine)
RcppExports .... the R wrappers for the C++ functions (auto)
rlogTransformation ... rlog
varianceStabilizingTransformation ... VST
general outline of the internal function calls.
note: not all of these functions are exported.
- |- estimateSizeFactors
- |- estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix
- |- estimateDispersions
- |- estimatedispersionsgeneest
- |- fitnbinomglms
- |- fitbeta (c++)
- |- fitdisp (c++)
- |- estimatedispersionsfit
- |- estimatedispersionsmap
- |- estimatedispersionpriorvar
- |- fitdisp (c++)
- |- nbinomwaldtest
- |- fitglmswithprior
- |- fitnbinomglms
- |- fitbeta (c++)
- |- estimatebetapriorvar
- |- fitnbinomglms
- |- fitBeta (C++)