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TT AvData Discussion 2024 Jan 24

BL Choy edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 13 revisions


2024-Jan-24, 12:00-13:30 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Potential implication of further reviews required by ANC on the comments to the METP endorsed proposals to ICAO Annex 3

    • It is understood that the process to approve IMP endorsed proposals to ICAO Annex 3 will continue. They will be published as Amendment 81 and become applicable in Nov 2024. For METP endorsed proposals the approval process will be delayed and hopefully be published as Amendment 82 and become applicable in Nov 2025.
    • Recalling that the development of IWXXM release candidate has leapfrogged the approval of the METP endorsed proposals, the risk for the approved version being different from the proposed one has inevitably increased. ICAO Secretariat subsequently advised that "During the consultation phase, there were no comments from States and International Organizations on solely IWXXM-related proposals, while there are several comments on the proposed Standard for VONA exchange via IWXXM, suggesting it should be kept as a recommended practice."
    • Noting also that there are voices from some members of ICAO WG-MOG wishing to start trial production of QVACI by Nov 2024 even though Amendment 82 has yet to be approved, it is proposed to pursue with the public consultation in late Jan/early Feb 2024. Those who would like to conduct tests can make use of the release candidate published on by then.
    • We will need to rename the version from 2024-xRC1 to 2025-2RC1 before publishing the release candidate for public consultation.
  2. Setting up of sub-groups to:

    • Review existing codelists used by IWXXM, advised possibility of consolidation, proposed consolidated lists and implementation plan
    • Review the replacement of text mentioning WMO No.49-2 by ICAO Annex 3/PANS-MET in IWXXM models, schemas, documentations (e.g. WMO No.306 Vol. I.3), websites, etc., proposed respective changes and implementation plan
  3. (Not discussed) Some other potential activities requiring establishment of other sub-groups:

    • Development of shared representations to be used by iwxxm:originatingCentre (if necessary), iwxxm:phenomenonGeometry (if necessary) and iwxxm:phenomenonProperty. This ties in with the development of IWXXM-SX to support future MET information services on SWIM
    • Exploration of the workflow to develop JSON version of IWXXM and recommend if this should be made available in parallel with XML schemas


  • Choy mentioned that all METP proposals to update Annex 3 had moved to Amendment 82 and was expected to be approved and became applicable by Nov 2025. The good news was that there were not any critical comments to those proposals involving changes to IWXXM. Since the approval to Amendment 82 would not be available until 2025, approval of changes to IWXXM should go through the 2nd WMO Fast Track in 2025. Only a few items in the previously drafted schemas would be required to change, including the version number (2025-2RC1) and the namespace ( These, together with the typo identified by Anna, had been committed to the PR for the team to review. Team members agreed to provide feedback and confirm suitability for public consultation in a meeting in the last week of Feb 2024.
  • The team noted some VAACs' intention to put their QVACI services on trial in 2024 (or may be 2025) which required IWXXM 2025-2RC1 to be published, and reached the consensus to have it published for this purpose as well as for public consultation. It would be up to the VAACs' consideration whether they would like to proceed with this release candidate or the revised one for Fast Track approval available in early 2025.
  • The team was aware that with the retirement of WMO No.49-II there would be a need to update references in all documentations including WMO No.306 Vol I.3, notes and documents that comes with the model and schemas, as well as the URLs involved in the code lists. Opportunity is also taken to fork code lists created by other teams but used by IWXXM for management by TT-AvData. Two ad hoc teams would be set up to look into these two items. The meeting had the consensus that there would be no need to finish this job before public consultation since these changes would not involve structural changes to IWXXM. The ad hoc teams are expected to provide their recommendations by Sep 2024 for incorporation into IWXXM version 2025-2.
  • Activities of other groups which may be of interest to the team:
    • Dirk talked about development of the new aerodrome observation and forecast information services (see ongoing discussions). A small team with experts from Finland, Dirk and Choy had formed to develop use cases, information services, IWXXM schemas, as well as the underpinning requirements at the same time with a view to provide some outputs to groups like WG-MRAD and WG-MIE for their consideration and further refinement and develop proposals for METP's consideration. Initial target was to provide some outputs in the next few months. Choy mentioned that this activity was voluntary work conducted outside the scope of TT-AvData but once the associated requirements have been approved by METP for inclusion into Amendment 83 in 2028, TT-AvData would be required to incorporate changes to IWXXM.
    • Anna briefed the team updates to the activity of TT-WIS2-SWIM which was established to develop interoperability approaches between WIS2 and SWIM, ensuring that ICAO data policies are satisfied, and draft appropriate technical regulations and guidance for WIS2 and SWIM interoperability to be proposed for approval by WMO and ICAO. A draft on "Publishing aviation weather data from WIS 2.0 into ICAO SWIM", which is supposed to become a chapter of [Anna please advise], was being developed and refined by the team. It is expected to be submitted for INFCOM's consideration in Apr 2024.


  1. All to review the PR before the next meeting.
  2. Set up two ad hoc teams to review and report by Sep 2024:
    • The removal of reference to WMO No. 49-II in all IWXXM documentations (Boonchai as lead).
    • The consolidation and management of code lists used by IWXXM (Dirk as lead).
  3. Anna to set up the upcoming meeting.
  4. Choy and Anna to invite others to join the ad hoc teams.

Next Meeting

  • 1200-1330 UTC on 28 Feb 2024.


  • BL Choy
  • Dirk Zinkhan
  • Ján Körösi
  • Mark Oberfield
  • Boonchai Tepyose
  • Anna Milan


  • Youssef Darari
  • Rodrigo Cortes
  • Raquel Viquez
  • Wilberforce Kikwasi
  • Yann Génin
  • Dmitry Moryakov
  • Hyein Yu
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