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Sean Lip edited this page Aug 20, 2015 · 1 revision

Oppia uses lots of forms, and it's tiresome to have to write each one from scratch each time. To get around this, we have built a schema-based form framework that allows such forms to be built declaratively. Each schema contains information about:

  • The type of the form field. E.g.: should the value being input be text, numeric, or boolean?
  • Validation. What additional restrictions need to be placed on the input? E.g.: is between -180 and 180.
  • UI niceties. How should the form field be displayed? E.g.: should a placeholder be provided? how wide should the text input field be?

Note that this framework isn't meant to be exhaustive; it is meant to simplify form creation for the more common cases. Custom forms can still be written using the methods referenced in Creating Objects.

In the frontend, the forms/ directory contains a form builder which takes a schema and generates a form whose return value satisfies the schema. The schema can be annotated with UI configuration options to tell the form how to display itself. A developer can use the formBuilder or create his/her own custom form; the only requirement is that the return type matches that defined by the schema.

Schema description

Each schema has a top-level field type, which is one of bool, int, float, unicode, list, dict, html. The list and dict types have additional fields in their schemas (see below). In addition to these fields, there are three optional top-level fields:

  • validators: a list of validators to apply to the return value, in order. This validation should also be applied automatically in the frontend.
  • choices: a list of values of the given type. The value entered must be equal to some element of this list.
  • ui_config: a dict of configuration parameters for the UI. See below for more details on this field.

Additional fields for lists and dicts

For lists, there are two possible additional fields:

  • items: required. The schema for an item in the list. Note that polymorphic lists are not allowed at this time.
  • len: optional. If present, the length of the list; must be an integer greater than 0. No elements can be added or deleted.

For dicts, there are two possible additional fields:

  • properties: required. This is a list whose elements are dicts. The list specifies the order in which the fields for the dict are displayed in the editor view. Each dict has two mandatory keys:
    • name: the name of the field
    • schema: the schema for the value corresponding to this field.
  • description: optional. If present, this gives a human-readable description of the field.

UI configuration

The 'ui_config' field in a schema is a dict of keys and values. All the keys are optional. The allowed keys, and the circumstances in which they are allowed, are as follows:

  • rows: only allowed for type unicode; if specified, must be a positive integer. If this value is omitted, the unicode field is displayed as a regular <input> field. Otherwise, it is displayed as a textarea with the given number of rows.
  • placeholder: only allowed for type unicode; if specified, must be a string. It represents the placeholder for the input field.
  • coding_mode: only allowed for type unicode; if specified, must be either none or python. If this value is specified, a CodeMirror instance with the appropriate syntax highlighting is used as the input area, and the rows and placeholder properties above are ignored.
  • add_element_text: only allowed for type list; if specified, must be a unicode string. If this value is omitted, no changes are made to the 'Add element' button; otherwise, the default 'Add element' text is replaced with the given value.
  • size: only allowed for type html; if specified, must be either 'small' or 'large'. If 'small', a 2-line RTE is shown; if large, a 10-line RTE is shown.