- Post-geographic consultant
- https://sinclair.bio
waste_flow Public
A package for retrieving and analyzing data concerning waste management on the European continent.
crest4 Public
The `crest4` python package can automatically assign taxonomic names to DNA sequences obtained from environmental sequencing.
bumphub Public
Scripts to automate distribution and packaging of python modules on PyPI and conda
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
crest4_utils Public
Utilities and scripts usefull for the developement of `crest4`
Python UpdatedSep 6, 2023 -
seqsearch Public
Sequence similarity searches (e.g. BLAST) made easy
fasta Public
This package enables you to deal with biological sequence files easily.
autopaths Public
autopaths is a python package for dealing with file paths and automation.
pacmill Public
The `pacmill` python package is a bioinformatics pipeline that is developed to process microbial 16S amplicon sequencing data and produce PDF reports detailing taxonomical assignments along with ot…
forest_puller Public
This python package lets you automatically download and parse european forest data from several different public sources.
optmagic Public
This project enables you to create simple command line interfaces starting with a class or a function that you want to expose directly to the shell.
plumbing Public
Helps with plumbing-type programing in python.
libcbm_runner Public
`libcbm_runner` is a python package for automating simulations of forest growth and harvesting involving the European economy, carbon budgets and their interactions.
pymarktex Public
Will convert a markdown text file to a fancy PDF document.
libcbm_py Public
Forked from cat-cfs/libcbm_pyCarbon budget model library based on CBM-CFS3
Python Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2021 -
cbmcfs3_runner Public
`cbmcfs3_runner` is a python package for dealing with the automation and running of a complex series of models involving the European economy, carbon budgets and their interactions. Notably in rela…
pydirdiff Public
This tool compares two directories recursively and prints any differences.
seqenv Public
Assign environment ontology (EnvO) terms to DNA sequences
q2-crest4 Public
This is a QIIME 2 plugin for taxonomic classification of sequences
UpdatedMay 26, 2021 -
puller_cache Public
A repository to revision control some of the smaller files contained in the cache of the `forest_puller` project.
TeX UpdatedFeb 26, 2021 -
pbs3 Public
Forked from amoffat/shPython process launching (that works on Windows and Python 3)
python_ebc_2016 Public
Material for the python course to be held at EBC in 2016
python_homework Public
A repository to contain exercices and homework for the Python EBC 2016 course
ld12 Public
Analysis of the LD12 genomes and the freshwater genomes for the "Tuning fresh" paper
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2016 -
track Public
Provides easy read/write access to genomic tracks
genomes Public
Easy access to meta data about genome assemblies
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2014 -
pyrotrfid Public
This project is a pipeline to perform digital TRFLP.